Theological scope of philology

towards understanding the trascendental phenomenon in poetry




mysticism, literary theory, religion, transcendence


A series of texts written by poets and critics is analyzed, from Matthew Arnold to Antonio Colinas, who have seen in poetry the possibility of finding a means of spiritual comfort or even a transcendent sense. The purpose is understanding how a discourse linking poetic words and the experience of transcendence has developed over time to open up the bases for a dialog between philology and theology. The text focuses, more than on theories and strictly theological terms, on showing, by means of the authors' literary reflections, those aspects of their discourse pointing out the existence of a trascendental phenomenon in poetry. In this way, the approach to a literary phenomenon so heterogeneous and determined for creating the poetical discourse of some of the most remarkable poets of the 20th and 21st centuries could be developed on the basis of greater theological and literary assurance.


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How to Cite

Cobo-Reyes Lendínez, F. A. (2024). Theological scope of philology: towards understanding the trascendental phenomenon in poetry. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 16, e6413.



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