The image of the human being and specially of the woman in Gertrud von Le Fort


  • Clemens Franken Kurzen Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



Literary anthropology, Woman, Solidary Personalism, German catholic writers of the 20th century


The main novels are analyzed: The veil of Veronica (1928), The Song at the Scaffold (1931) and The Wreath of the Angels (1946) of the catholic german writer, poet and essayist Gertrud von Le Fort (1876-1971) and her essay The eternal woman (1934). According to Le Fort, the human being is characterized as an insecure (at the level of life, knowledge and religion), free (specially in his decision between god and the devil), worthy (with her rights) and spiritual (he has a soul open to god) person. On the same time as she defends decisively the individual, Le Fort emphasizes, on the other side, his social being, obtaining her greatest literary performance in the description of profound human meetings. The human community consists according to Le Fort in being the one in the other (cf. aspect of spiritual unity), with the other (cf. solidarious activity]) and for the other (cf. vicarious collaboration in the salvation). This ideal generally is lived in a better form on part of the woman as virgin, wife and mother with her great capacity of devotion, whose model is the Virgin Mary with her ‘fiat’. In this way, Le Fort revels her belonging to a solidarious personalism which she shares with other catholic phenomelogical philosophers like Edith Stein, Max Scheler and Dietrich von Hildebrand.


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How to Cite

Franken Kurzen, C. (2020). The image of the human being and specially of the woman in Gertrud von Le Fort. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 12, e4279.


