Saint Thomas Aquinas vs. Bacon. An anthropological reflection on theological hope and its degradation in confidence.


  • Lucero González Suárez Universidad Iberoamericana.



Francis Bacon, St. Thomas Aquinas, Hope, Technique, Theology


This paper is a philosophical meditation, whose purpose is to question the metaphysical and anthropological principles on which the Baconian project of renouncing to study effcient and final causes is based, favoring the mechanical explanation of natural movements. It intends to show that mastering modern techniques involves negating the idea of nature as a theological order –manifested by classical metaphysics, St. Thomas Aquinas being one of his most important inheritors–; and that negating this order causes the degradation of theological hope, with a blind confdence of the possibility of extending human power in an unlimited manner.

Author Biography

Lucero González Suárez, Universidad Iberoamericana.

Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, del Conacyt. Líneas de investigación: fenomenología, ontología y flosofía medieval.

Licenciada, Maestra y Doctora en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


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How to Cite

González Suárez, L. (2018). Saint Thomas Aquinas vs. Bacon. An anthropological reflection on theological hope and its degradation in confidence. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 10(2), 190-222.


