Speaking of God from the wound.

The chiasm between image and word in the dialogue between literature and theology.


  • Cecilia Inés Avenatti De Palumbo Pontificia Universidad Católica.




Figure, Drama, Truth, Nativa Wound, Intersection


The trilogical dynamism "figure-drama-truth" makes up the central axle of the interdisciplinary method between literature and theology I have been working on for two decades. Based on this, in recent studies I highlighted the paradoxical character of the figure and the innovating role that the affirmation of the prepositional rhythm "from- in - to" represents tor dialogical speech. Going deeper into these lines of research, I will consider the issue of interdisciplinary speech from the two fold theological and literary perspectives of the "wound" and the "intersection". In agreement with this, this paper follows the itinerary "from" the vital wound of love, "in" the intersection of image and word, "to" the transfiguration of language. I hope that, by seeking new languages, "from" the spiritual convergence 01 research, my reflection can be received as a contribution "to" think and build a Christian and Latin American dialogical citizenship.



How to Cite

Avenatti De Palumbo, C. I. (2012). Speaking of God from the wound.: The chiasm between image and word in the dialogue between literature and theology. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 4(1), 6-21. https://doi.org/10.22199/S07198175.2012.0001.00001