La Perfect charity called on the deification


  • Eugenia Colomer Espinosa Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.



II Vatican Council, Renewal, Perfectae Caritatis, Horizon, Deification


The II Vatican Council has made a call to renew the spirit of “perfect love”. For theology, this is a challenge. It has addressed its tasks from a horizon that presents itself in crisis and demands another way of thinking reality and, subsequently, God itself. In this article, we present two contributions from the Spanish philosopher and theologian Xavier zubiri. One is the introduction of a new horizon of intellection, proposing from his thesis of sentient intelligence another possibility of thought itself. Secondly, the rescue of the theology of Greek Fathers that allow us to understand God’s being as effusive love, a gift to human being as deification.

Author Biography

Eugenia Colomer Espinosa, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.

Licenciada en Ciencias Religiosas, Magíster en Filosofía.


CONCILIO VATICANO II. (1997). Decreto “Perfectae caritatis”: Sobre la adecuada renovación de la vida religiosa (28 de octubre de 1965). EN: Concilio Vaticano II: Documentos completos. Lima: Paulinas, pp. 370-382.

COROMINAS, J., VICENS, J., ZUBIRI, X. (2006). La soledad sonora. Madrid: Taurus.

ESPINOZA, R. (2006). En torno problema de Dios… desde la Biografía del joven Zubiri. EN: The Xavier Zubiri Review, (8).

REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA (2001). Diccionario de la lengua española. (22a ed.). Madrid: Espasa.

ZUBIRI, X. (1980). Inteligencia sentiente/Inteligencia y realidad. Madrid: Alianza.

ZUBIRI, X. (2002). Naturaleza, Historia. Madrid: Alianza.

ZUBIRI, X. (2002). Sobre el problema de la filosofía y otros escritos (1932-1944). Madrid: Alianza.



How to Cite

Colomer Espinosa, E. (2012). La Perfect charity called on the deification. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 4(2), 164-181.