The teological value of the jesuanical angst in the synoptics bible stories of Gethsemane.


  • Franco Rojas Contreras Pontificia Universidad Católica.



Angst, Jesus, Synoptic Gospels, Gethsemane


This study aims to present the theological value of Jesus’ anguish, according to the biblical accounts of Gethsemane prayer. This study begins with a lexical analysis of the vocabulary referring to “Jesuanical angst”, observing five relevant terms in this experience; secondly, an exegetical analysis of the bible texts that, in the general context of Gethsemane episodes, discern the meaning of anguish in front of death is made; and, thirdly, a theological valuation of “Jesuanical angst” from diverse perspectives (Christological, anthropological, and eschatological) are externalized. In this way, on the basis of common anguish constituent of all human beings, assumed by the Son in his human nature as an expression of proexistentiality, both fear of the confrontation of one’s death under the wrath of God and a painful acceptance causing tension due to the meaning of a cruel destiny are revealed.

Author Biography

Franco Rojas Contreras, Pontificia Universidad Católica.

Licenciado/Bachiller en Teología con certifcado académico en teología bíblica (PUC).

Líneas de investigación: Teología bíblica (esp. neotestamentaria) y dogmática-sistemática (esp. escatología).


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How to Cite

Rojas Contreras, F. (2018). The teological value of the jesuanical angst in the synoptics bible stories of Gethsemane. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 10(2), 250-289.


