Social Innovation Studies, a step forward in the construction of the social innovation field




social processes, crisis, Latin America, social innovators, social challenges


Theoretical and bibliometric studies carried out on social innovation (SI) frequently indicate that, despite the prominence that it has been gaining in the strategies of multilateral organizations and in the government structures and public policies of a variety of countries, the field lacks conceptual and investigative clarity. The absence of specialized journals and co-authorship networks has influenced this situation. Internationally, the focus of SI has been guided mainly by Europe and North America, regions where research and scientific publication have been stimulated by the rise of the term in development programs. However, in Latin America, SI has had its own characteristics and deserves a treatment with appropriate conceptual frameworks. Social Innovation Studies (SIS) wants to bring together the atomized Latin American publication on the subject and convene authors from the region to engage in an international dialogue based on an analysis of the regional reality that addresses a wide spectrum, from micro-approaches supported by case analysis to macro-approaches that link SI with great processes of social change.


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How to Cite

Cote Navarro, L. A., & Ricci, E. (2021). Social Innovation Studies, a step forward in the construction of the social innovation field. Social Innovation Studies, 1, e5296.


