The Day After

Collective Behaviors for the Prevention of COVID-19 During the Second Wave




COVID-19, health behaviors, behavioral impact, resilience, coping


Background: In Paraguay, the manifestations of the COVID-19 pandemic (WHO, 2020) begin in March (2020) with quarantine and strict biosecurity measures. The 2nd Wave hit the country exceeding 1000 deaths per million. Objective: The study is given continuity in First. Ola (Coppari, 2020) with a second measurement of risk behaviors and protection of groups. Method: The modified "The Day After" Survey (2021) was applied, in a non-experimental, descriptive-exploratory, cross-sectional design, with n= 1292 participants where the majority of respondents were women (68.41%) from 18 to 30 years. Results: The analysis of the total variance is explained in 11 factors, and the reliability coefficient (.84) is adequate. Women have higher averages in resilient and coping behaviors compared to men. Social support-seeking behaviors are higher in religious practitioners versus non-practitioners. There is a high positive correlation between resilient and coping behaviors, and an average positive relationship (.398*) between the mentioned factors and the responsible use of information. Conclusion: The presence of a resilient response by the Paraguayan sample to the situation is concluded, assuming the required biosecurity measures.


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How to Cite

Coppari, N. B., González, H. A. ., Ortiz Martinez, A. M. J., Recalde, J., González Vallejos, M. G., Elias, S., Rolón Moreno, S., Mikelj, A., Ibarra, F., Izzi, A., Wiebe, J., & González Solis, E. (2022). The Day After: Collective Behaviors for the Prevention of COVID-19 During the Second Wave. Salud & Sociedad, 12, e5319.




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