Cognitive test anxiety scale

psychometric properties for the brazilian context




test anxiety, students, validity, confirmatory factorial analysis


Previous: Cognitive anxiety refers to excessive worries before, during and after of the tests, interfering in the performance and causing academic failure, and is positively associated with neuroticism and depression. Objective: The objective was to gather evidence of psychometric quality of the Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale (CTAS) in Brazil. Method: Two studies were conducted: In study 1, 210 university students from the city of Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil (Average age = 21.7; SD = 3.73) participated, most of them studying Psychology (60%) and women (58.6%). They answered CTAS and demographic questions. An exploratory factor analysis suggested a one-dimensional solution that explained 46.94% of the total variance of the items. Reliability was evaluated by Cronbach's alpha (?) and McDonald's omega (?) indicators equal to .92. In Study 2, 274 university students from different Brazilian regions participated (Average age = 21.7; SD = 3.73), most of the state of Piauí (60%), studying Psychology (60.4%). A confirmatory factor analysis indicated adequate indicators (CFI = .96; TLI = .95; RMSEA = .06). The reliability was satisfactory: (?) and (?) equal to .94. Conclusion: Psychometric evidence was found for Brazil, and CTAS may be useful for those interested in investigating the theme and its correlates.


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How to Cite

De Medeiros, E. D., Nascimento da Silva, P. G., Bezerra De Medeiros , P. C. ., De Sousa , G. M. ., Cabral Nunes , C., Nunes Da Fonsêca , P., & Barbosa Gomes , E. (2020). Cognitive test anxiety scale: psychometric properties for the brazilian context. Salud & Sociedad, 11, e3923.




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