Self care and care of people with cancer and using medical feeding devices




Self-care, Enteral nutrition, Oncology, Nursing


INTRODUCTION: Cancer and its treatment can affect the ability to feed, which require enteral nutritional therapy, requires appropriate self-care and care. Objective: to know the self-care/care of people with cancer using medical feeding devices in a city of the state of Minas Gerais. METHOD: qualitative investigation obtained by means of interviews recorded, using a semi-structured instrument, with people assisted in a reference center in oncology. RESULTS: built the central theme Requirements for self-care/universal care for health deviation: propelling and restraining forces and as sub-themes facilitators for self-care engagement and complicators for self-care engagement/care. CONCLUSIONS: the results contribute to the praxis of health professionals, especially nurses, to rethink the relevance of the guidelines in the process of transition from hospital to home and to recognize that each person has a differentiated of learning and all patients have the potential for care/self-care.

Author Biographies

Murilo César Do Nascimento, Universidade Federal de Alfenas.

Docente do curso de Enfermgem.

Eliza Maria Rezende Dázio, uUniversidade Federal de Alfenas.

Docente do curso de Enfermagem.

Fábio De Souza Terra, Universidade Federal de Alfenas.

Docente do curso de Enfermagem.

Marina Bavaresco, Universidade Federal de Alfenas.

Mestranda do Programa de Pós Graduação de Enfermagem.

Silvana Maria Coelho Leite Fava, Universidade Federal de Alfenas.

Docente do curso de Enfermagem.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, J. R. F. ., Coutinho, M. A. P., Do Nascimento, M. C., Dázio, E. M. R. ., Terra, F. D. S., Bavaresco, M. ., & Fava, S. M. C. L. . (2020). Self care and care of people with cancer and using medical feeding devices. Salud & Sociedad, 11, e3650. 




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