Health-risk behaviors and high school academic achievement by gender among chilean students


  • Carlos Alejandro Hidalgo-Rasmussen Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Guadalupe Ramírez-López Universidad de Playa Ancha
  • Jacqueline Rojas-Ríos Universidad de Playa Ancha
  • Alfredo Hidalgo-San Martín Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
  • Anne Skalicky Evidera, Seattle, WA


Student, Risk behavior, Risk-taking, Academic performance


Aim: The objective of this research was to analyze, by gender, the association between health-risk behaviors and academic achievement (AA) in first year university Chilean students. Method: After informed consent was obtained, an analytical cross-sectional study was performed, which included 717 first-year university students aged 17-19 years. Youth Risk Behavior Survey was used to evaluate self reported health-risk behaviors. The high school grade point average was used to evaluate AA. Results: The results of multiple linear regression models showed associations between low AA and health-risk behaviors including substance use, physical inactivity, violence, unprotected sexual activity, and risk of suicide. Differences by gender were observed across these associations. Conclusions: This study supports the hypothesis of an association in men and women between health-risk behaviors with lower AA between women and men.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo-Rasmussen, C. A., Ramírez-López, G., Rojas-Ríos, J., Hidalgo-San Martín, A., & Skalicky, A. (2018). Health-risk behaviors and high school academic achievement by gender among chilean students. Salud & Sociedad, 8(3), 242-251. Retrieved from




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