Cognitive diagnosis models (CDMS):

theory, didactics and application in behavioral sciences




CDMs, Psychometrics, Latent variables


CDMs represent a multidimensional choice in psychometrics when observable and latent variables are believed to be categorical.The study presents a thorough revision of the literature about original models, as well as its applications and current developments in psychometric research. Additionally, a revision of statistical software to estimate models and examples of applications in behavioral sciences and health care is also presented. Didactic examples based on simulated data show the capability of models to classify people according to their latent attributes.

Author Biography

Diego Armando Luna Bazaldua, Boston College.

Lynch School of Education.


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How to Cite

Luna Bazaldua, D. A. (2017). Cognitive diagnosis models (CDMS):: theory, didactics and application in behavioral sciences. Salud & Sociedad, 8(1), 068–080.


