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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Make sure not to include data that can identify authors in the manuscript. The metadata must include each one of the authors according to the academic identity of each one (first full name, without initials, everything in lowercase except the first letter)
  • In the title, begin with the language in which the manuscript is written using upper and lower case letters (APA 7th Ed. Format). The second language to be used is English. If the manuscript is written in English, then the second language will be Spanish.
  • To complete the metadata have on-hand the ORCID ID of each of the authors as well as email and affiliation. Must include all the information in the metadata fields correctly.
  • Have on-hand, the abstract for the first and second language as well as the keywords to record in the metadata. In the manuscript file, the title, abstract and keywords must appear in all three languages.
  • Verify that the text and the references of the manuscript follow the APA 7th Ed writing format and style, especially for statistical symbols, inclusive language, the correct use of the variable sex or gender, citations and references.
  • Verify that all author citations in the text appear in the reference list and that all references correspond in the text.
  • Have each of the files needed to complete the submission:
    Cover - word format
    Reviewers - word format
    Manuscript - word format
    Authorship form - pdf format
    Copyright statement - pdf format

Author Guidelines

Salud & Sociedad publishes empirical works in Spanish, Portuguese or English, that are carried out with methodological rigor and that represents a contribution to the advancement of any area of ​​Health and Social Psychology in quantitative, qualitative or mixed designs. We also receive for consideration, papers of a meta-theoretical nature that engage with critical research questions and present systematic reviews, meta-synthesis or meta-analysis that adhere to the PRISMA or PICO guidelines. Interdisciplinarity is an objective of the journal.

The works will be unpublished, not accepting those that have been published totally or partially in another place, nor those that are in the process of publication or have been presented to another journal for evaluation. All persons listed as authors are assumed to have agreed to the editorial process.

Works must be prepared in Word format with a maximum length of 8,000 words, (including references, figures and tables,) and will be written double spaced, on one side, with margins of 2.54 cm. and numbering in the upper right. The writing must strictly consider the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th Ed. (2019).

Process for submitting manuscripts

The journal uses a double-blind peer evaluation system, in which each manuscript is first reviewed by the editorial team, to ensure that the submitted material adheres to the minimum criteria of topic and focus, content, writing style and process. The editorial team will return manuscripts that do not meet the minimum requirements without submitting it for peer review.

All manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously by two expert peer reviewers in the subject or method used to which the received work refers, who will rate the work and recommend its publication, its publication with modifications or its rejection.

To ensure that the manuscript is evaluated according to this process, authors should prepare separate files for various segments of the document. Any person designated with authorship in the manuscript must previously request their ORCID registration.

  1. Cover - The first file must contain the title of the work in the three languages ​​of the journal. The first language to appear will be the writing language of the manuscript. Then,  the authors with their respective affiliations, including for each of them their institution of origin or affiliation, place (city), country, email and ORCID identification . It must be indicated if there was funding for the research, providing the identification of the funding body and the grant number if it exists. The number of words in the manuscript must also be indicated at the foot of the page. This information should be saved and uploaded to the web in a separate file under the cover name .   
  2. Manuscript - The following file should be named manuscript . It will again include the title, as well as an abstract, with a maximum of 200 words in the same three languages. The summary must be structured considering BACKGROUND, OBJECTIVE, METHOD, RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS.   
  3. Reviewers - In a separate file in word format, suggest at least three experts on the subject of the manuscript. Include full name, affiliation and email. Make sure that these experts do not have the same affiliation as one or more authors of the manuscript.
  4. Authorship Form
  5. Copyright Form

A maximum of four keywords should be included in each language. Keywords must be obtained from the descriptors page in Health Sciences

Important writing and style considerations

The Salud & Sociedad Journal has started using the writing format and style of the American Psychological Association in its 7th edition (APA, 2019) as of April 2020. Therefore, the authors must follow the following guidelines.

  1. The text should not be justified in the right margin on any of its pages.
  2. Margins of 2.54 cm (1 in.) On all sides of the page.
  3. Double-spaced line spacing
  4. Font and size - Use a san serif font  like Calibri or Arial 11 points or a serif font like Times (12pts) or Georgia (11pts).
  5. Number of pages and title - The number of pages should appear at the top right. The title must appear in the upper left part of the document and on all pages, it must not exceed four words
  6. The authors will endeavor that the text does not contain clues or suggestions that identify them.
  7. Manuscripts must be written in first person, singular or plural according to the number of authors. Likewise, the use of the passive voice should be avoided.
  8. Direct quotes of 40 words or more will appear in bulk
  9. Include  figures and tables as the end of the manuscript, one on each page should be and numbered consecutively, indicating their location in the text. The text size in the tables can be reduced to 10pts if necessary.
  10. The references section begins on a new page at the end of the body of the manuscript and at the first level of titles.
  11. We use the author-year citation system both for those that appear in parentheses and for narrative citations. The references in the text the author's name and year of publication of the text (both in brackets and separated by a comma) will be included. If the author is part of the narrative, only the year is put in parentheses. When it comes to two authors, both are always cited. When the work has three or more authors, only the first author is cited accompanied by the Latin abbreviation et al. When different authors are cited within the same parentheses, they are arranged alphabetically. To cite works by the same author or authors, of the same date, the letters a, b, c are added to the year, as far as necessary, repeating the year. The references will be arranged alphabetically at the end and according to the following regulations:

References examples

For books 

Sánchez, D., Escursell, R. M., Rosado, T. G., & Yela, J. D. (2014). Instrumentos de evaluación en psicología de la salud. Alianza Editorial.

Chapter in edited book

Yee, B.K., & Chiriboga, D.A. (2007). Issues of diversity in health psychology and aging. In C.M. Aldwin, C.L. Park, & A. Spiro (Eds.), Handbook of health psychology and aging. (pp. 286-312). Guilford Press 

For journals

Plascencia De La Torre, J. C., & Castellanos Gutiérrez, C. L. (2019). Evaluación de la resiliencia en mexicanos diagnosticados con VIH. Salud & Sociedad, 10(1), 52-64.

Only links to articles that have doi or links to open-format articles should be included. Links to academic profile pages (eg. Academy, ResearchGate) should not be included.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.