Editorial policy and guidelines




ISSN (Print): 0716-0925

ISSN (On line): 0718-1043

YEAR 2021


  1. Editorial Policy

1.1         Editor’s Responsibilities

1.2         Author’s responsibilities

1.3         Evaluation and publication process

1.4         File submission and format

  1. Editorial Guidelines

2.1         Manuscript’s preparation and submission

2.2         Basic rules

2.3         Examples of APA Citations and References

2.4         Radiocarbon dating





  1. Editorial Policy


Estudios Atacameños. Publishes and disseminates mainly original and unpublished contributions resulting from research on topics of archaeology, social anthropology, history and bioanthropology, of the South American region.

The journal is published by the Institute of Archaeological Research and Museum of the Universidad Católica del Norte. It was created in 1973 by Jesuit priest Gustavo Le Paige and has been published continuously ever since. It is indexed in several renown indexes and repositories worldwide (Web of Science, Scopus, SCImago, SciELO, Latindex, etc.).

Estudios Atacameños is published under the continuous publication modality. This implies that the manuscripts follow the usual editorial process, but once this is completed, the works are published immediately, remaining available and citable. At the end of each calendar year, the published articles make up an annual volume. The journal contains the subject sections of Anthropology, Archaeology, History and Bioanthropology, plus a review section.

Unpublished articles: must have a maximum length of 15,000 words, including texts, tables, notes, legends and bibliographic references.

Book reviews: can be sent by the authors or at the request of the Editorial Committee. They must have a maximum length of 1,000 words.

Bibliographic references: it is recommended that they do not exceed 20% of the total words of the submitted manuscript.

NOTE: Authors, readers and users in general are informed that our journal is applying a tool to verify possible plagiarism as of October 2020.


1.1   Editor’s responsibilities

Manuscripts are reviewed by the internal Editorial Committee, which reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not conform to the standards, quality and topics of the journal. The final decision to accept or reject the manuscript lies exclusively with the Editor.

It is the duty of that Committee to notify the authors about the evaluation process, in particular about the reception, submittal of external evaluations, acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. It must also safeguard the anonymity of the external evaluators, unless a reviewer determines otherwise.

1.2   Author’s responsibilities

Authors will assume, by means of a letter uploaded with the rest of the files required at the time of submission, the commitment to evaluate manuscripts during the time their article is being published. The letter must include at the bottom the name and signature of all the authors and follow this model:

At ______________________, on __ days of the month from _______ of 20__

To the Editorial Committee of Estudios Atacameños:

The undersigned, author of the manuscript "_________________________________________________________" sent to Estudios Atacameños for possible publication, hereby agrees to review the articles assigned to him during the time his manuscript is being published. To this end, he declares that he has registered on the journal's website both as an author and as an external reviewer and that he assumes this task as a form of professional reciprocity that is indispensable for the normal functioning of Estudios Atacameños. (MAKE ANY NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS IN TERMS OF GENDER AND NUMBER)


Name author 1:                                      Name author 2:                              Name author...

Signature:                                              Signature:                                      Signature:

Authors should send the manuscript considering the editorial guidelines of the journal (APA standard, edition 7a.), as well as suggesting three names of possible external evaluators competent in the subject of the presented article, who must not present conflicts of interest.

The authors are responsible for the content of the manuscript, the veracity and accuracy of the data, complying with presenting original and unpublished works that are not simultaneously being evaluated in another journal or medium, as well as having all the publication rights.

It is the authors' responsibility to follow the editorial rules, check the structure, writing and spelling.

Once the manuscript has been accepted, the authors will assign the rights of their articles to Estudios Atacameños, and this journal may publish them in physical and/or electronic formats.

The same author will not be published for two consecutive years, regardless of whether it is an individual or collective work. For example, if you as an author submitted a paper in the year 2022, you may submit the next paper in the year 2024.

 1.3   Evaluation & publication process

Estudios Atacameños guarantees a double-blind peer review process to ensure impartiality.

Stage 1. Evaluation by the Editorial Committee. The manuscript is first evaluated by the internal Publishing Board. If it does not go to the second stage, the authors will be notified of the decision.

Stage 2. External evaluation and publishing decision. The work is sent to at least two external evaluators, who will make observations on the manuscript following the Evaluation Guidelines of the journal.

Having concluded the external evaluation, the Editor will notify the author of the decision, according to the following alternatives:

  • Accept submission: approved for publication.  The process of style and layout correction begins.
  • Publishable with modifications: it requires the authors to correct the observations made and must send a minute detailing the changes made to the manuscript, as well as the argument for rejecting those observations that do not seem relevant.  Such modifications may be minor or major. In the first case, the final version will be sent within 30 days, in the second, within 60 days.
  • Not publishable: the article is rejected.

Stage 3. Publication. Together with the acceptance, a final revision of the formal aspects of the manuscript is requested, which the authors must include and send within a period of no more than 7 days. At this stage, no changes in content are accepted, only in the formal aspects.

Finally, the already diagrammed version (PDF) is sent to the authors for the correction only of typographical or editing errors, no other types of changes are accepted. They must be returned to the Editor within 48 hours of receipt.


1.4   Submission and format of files

Estudios Atacameños. Receives the works only in the online platform, OJS, for which the author must register and attach the manuscript on the following web site:


The documents must be sent in the following file format:


Text. The text must be sent as a Word file (.docx or .doc extension), including all the tables, legends and figures, ordered as the authors would like it to be published. The figures within the Word file must be in low resolution (72 dpi), as they will be considered only for reference purposes. Tables and figures are numbered in sequential order in the text itself, using Arabic numerals (e.g., Table 1), (e.g., Figure 1). The titles of tables and/or figures, as well as their legends, should be incorporated independently.

Figures. They must also be sent by the journal's online system, in separate files (as Supplementary Files), in JPG format, and in a resolution of no less than 300 dpi. Each manuscript is limited to a maximum number of 15 figures. Photos, maps and graphics can be sent in full colour, maintaining this format only in the digital version, since in the printed version it is published in grey scale. Los diferentes tipos de imágenes (ilustraciones, fotografías, gráficos, diagramas de flujo, mapas, deben ser mencionadas en el texto del artículo como figuras (Figura 1, Figura 2, etc.) siguiendo orden secuencial de aparición en el manuscrito y precediendo a la inserción de la figura misma. El número de cada figura y su título debe estar bajo la figura.

Maps of the study area must come with scale, magnetic north and with the location of the study area in the continental or macro-regional context.

Tables. They should be numbered using Arabic numbers and inserted in sequential order in the same text. It is required to use a Word table format or in its defect, send as an image (figure), use APA format.

Legend of figures and/or tables. A separate Word file must also include a list with the legend of the figures and tables in sequential order. This information must be uploaded as complementary files in the journal's system.


  1. Editorial guidelines


2.1   Manuscript preparation and submission

The manuscript, considering all sections and including bibliographical references, notes, legends and annexes, should not exceed 15,000 words, letter size, 1.5 cm. spacing and 2.54 cm margins, according to APA standards.

The text must be written in Times New Roman font, size 12, in the Normal style.

2.2   Basic rules


In order to maintain the anonymity of the author, and thus guarantee the double-blind evaluation process, we ask that you attach two separate word files as detailed below:

File 1. Article information with the following components:

  • Title of the paper in Spanish. Times New Roman’s font, size 16, initial word letter in upper case, the rest in lower case. If there is a name, it will begin with the first letter in upper case, centred and in bold.
  • English title: Times New Roman font size 14, bold, centre
  • Authors: Full name and surname, followed by ORCID code, the name and surname must match the ORCID registration (at https://orcid.org/)
    • The initials in capital letters with a dot at the end, aligned on the left margin.
    • Each author must indicate his or her affiliation number in superscript.
    • If two or more authors belong to the same institution, and different e-mails are indicated, as appropriate for each author, it is requested that this affiliation be indicated on separate lines, with the corresponding superscript numeral for each author.
    • The ORCID registration number must be indicated next to each author.
  • Affiliation: Below the mention of authors, indicate the full name of the main institution of affiliation of each author, city, country and e-mail address. (Affiliation includes only the institution of affiliation, not positions, nor academic degrees, etc.). With sequential superscript numerals, separate lines for each affiliation if more than one.
    • Author: First Name and Surname
    • 1 Affiliation


1IFull name of Institution of affiliation, City, Country. E-Mail: ...

    • Author 11,2
      1 Affiliation 
      2 Affiliation


Fernando Pérez1,2. ORCID: https://https://orcid.org/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

1 Full name of the first institution of affiliation, City, Country. E-Mail: ...

2 Full name of the second institution of affiliation, City, Country. E-Mail: ...

  • Abstract in Spanish: word Resumen, in bold, normal text in straight lines, aligned to the left.
    • Number of words. Maximum 200 words.
  • Keywords: only the denomination in italics, the terms in normal letters, aligned on the left, separated each term by a comma, in lowercase and a full stop at the end
    • 3 – 5 terms, not included in the title of the article, in lower case.
  • Abstract (English): word Abstract, in bold, in straight lines, normal text in straight lines, left-aligned, in lowercase and a dot at the end.
    • Number of words. Maximum 200 words.
  • Keywords: must be written as a single word, only the name in italics, the terms in normal letters, separated each term by a comma, in lowercase and a full stop at the end.
    • 3 – 5 terms, not included in the title of the article, in lower case.

Example: term 1, term 2, term 3, term 4, term 5.

  • Acknowledgements.

    Articles resulting from funded research projects should indicate in this section the name of the funding agency / instrument code / project code.
    Example: ANID / FONDECYT / Regular 1170893

    Articles financed by more than one fund should replicate the above example for each fund.

File 2: Full text article in word file without mentioning authors or affiliations with the following information:

  • Title of the article in Spanish: Times New Roman’s font, size 16, initial word letter in upper case, the rest in lower case. If there is a name, it will begin with the first letter in upper case, centred and in bold.
  • English title: Times New Roman font size 14, bold, centred.

Article’s structure.

  • Text: the structure and style of the APA standard must be followed (secondary and tertiary titles, citations, notes, bibliographic references, abbreviations, and measurement format must comply with the APA style publication standards (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association).
    • Main sections: in size 14, bold and left-aligned.
    • Subsections: size 12, bold and left-aligned.
    • Subsections: size 12, italics and left aligned
  • Figures, Tables and Graphs.
    • Indication of figure, table or graphic number in bold. Followed by the Title, in line on the figure, all centred (Figure number, title and legend)

Example: Figure 1. Title ….

Figure 1. Title …

Figure (image)

Legend, in smaller size than the text.

  • Citations and Bibliographical references: should follow APA style (7 edition update, 2019-2020).
    • Citations of interviews, personal communication or e-mail. According to APA, "they should be referenced directly after the dialogue cited and this reference is not included in the lists of citations and references. There are two cases for interview citations, a personally conducted interview and interviews conducted by others. It is in quotes" (Quote ..... )
  • Footnotes. Should be used only if essential and follow their sequential numerical order, in superscript, at the foot of the page, as appropriate. Font size below the text of the article, in Word corresponds to Times New Roman size 10. Important: No more than 10 (ten) footnotes per article will be accepted and each one may not be longer than 5 lines. If you quote authors in the notes, they must also be included in the text of the article itself.
  • Annexes: with the word Annex as a title, they should be at the end of the article after the bibliographical references. Use only if necessary, to incorporate supplementary material.

Secondary and tertiary titles, citations, notes, bibliographical references, abbreviations and measurement format, must conform to the APA (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) style publication standards.

IMPORTANT: before sending the manuscript, the authors must at least upload in METADATA:

1) The section in which they intend to publish: Anthropology, Archaeology, History, Bioanthropology, Reviews.

2) The Title and subtitle of the article in Spanish and English (the prefix must be loaded separately). This should be done in the form of a sentence, i.e., starting with a capital letter and continuing with a lower case, as appropriate.

3) The abstract is in Spanish and English, separately and in the fields for that purpose.

4) The keywords are in Spanish and English, separately and in lower case (as appropriate). Load a keyword, press ENTER and continue loading in this way.

5) Authors and collaborators:

For each of the authors it must be loaded:



  -Contact e-mail.

  -User details:

     -ORCID identifier (full link).

      -Affiliation (full name of main institution, only one, do not use acronyms)

 -Collaborator’s role.

-Bibliographical summary (no more than 5 lines).

6) Support agencies. Only the name of the funding institution, if more than one use separate entries.

7) Citations (all bibliography and sources cited in the text).

If you "copy and paste" information, please do so in Times New Roman 12).

Remember to upload all the requested data since once you complete the submission, you will not be able to add new information.



2.3   Examples of citations and bibliographic references, as per APA style: https://normas-apa.org/wp-content/uploads/Guia-Normas-APA-7ma-edicion.pdf


  • Citation Models

(Núñez, 2015)

Page mention citation: (Núñez, 2015, p. 120)

Núñez (2015)
Page mention citation: Núñez (2015, p. 120)



Citation in the text (basic format)


Citation in the text (parenthesis format)


Work written by one author

Núñez (2015)


(Núñez, 2015)


Work written by two authors

Núñez y Santoro (1988)


(Núñez y Santoro, 1988)


Work written by three or more authors

Giraldo et al.  (2011)


(Giraldo et al., 2011)


Group (with abbreviations)

Universidad de Belgrano (2008)


(Universidad de Belgrano, 2008)


Grupo (without abbreviations)

Universidad de La Sabana (2014)


(Universidad de La Sabana, 2014)



Bibliographic reference models

Journal Reference

Núñez, L., Grosjean, M. y Cartajena, I. (2002). Human occupations and climate change in the Puna de Atacama, Chile. Science, 298, 821 - 824.

Book Reference

Darwin, C. (1998). El origen del hombre. Biblioteca Edaf.

Book Chapter Reference

McLuhan, M. (1988). Prólogo. En La galaxia de Gutenberg: génesis del homo typhografifcus (pp.7-19). Galaxia de Gutenberg.

Compiled or Edited Work Reference

Mignolo, W. (Comp.). (2001). Capitalismo y geopolítica del conocimiento. Ediciones del Signo y Universidad de Duke.

Other examples in:

Reference Guidelines as per APA

Book with author:

Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. Publisher.

Crick, F. (1994). La búsqueda científica del alma. Debate.

Note: The source’s title must be written in italics.

Book with editor – chapters written by several authors:

Surname, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title. Publisher.
 Wilber, K. (Ed.). (1997). El paradigma holográfico. Editorial Kairós

Book in online electronic version:

Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxx.xxx
De Jesús

Domínguez, J. (1887). La autonomía administrativa en Puerto Rico. Retrieved from http://memory.loc.gov/

DOI (Digital Object Identifier):

Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. doi: xx.xxxxxxxx

Montero, M. y Sonn, C. C. (Eds.). (2009). Psychology of Liberation: Theory and applications. doi: 10.1007/ 978-0-387-85784-8

Book Chapter:

If the book from which the referenced chapter has been taken, has an editor, that is, the book has several authors, the reference must be made as follows:

Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter of entry. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). Publisher.

Molina, V. (2008). “… students neither read nor write”: The challenge of reading and writing at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali. In H. Mondragrón (Ed.) Leer, comprender, debatir, escribir. Escritura de artículos científicos por profesores universitarios (pp. 53-62). Sello Editorial Javeriano.


Periodic publications

Scientific papers

Basic format

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., and Surname, C. C. (Date). Paper’s title. Journal’s name, volume (number), pp-pp.

Paper with DOI

The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is the code assigned to papers entered to data bases in the web to become reference material. This code allows locating the paper easier without the need of a URL. So, when some of the references have the DOI, you no longer need to copy the URL.

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., and Surname, C. C. (Date). Paper’s title. Journal’s name, volumen (number), pp-pp. doi: xx.xxxxxxx

Bezuidenhout, A. (2006). Consciousness and Language (review). Language, 82(4), 930- 934. doi: 10.1353/lan.2006.0184

Paper without DOI Printed paper

Surname, A. A. (Year). Paper’s title. Journal’s name, volume (number), pp-pp.

Fields, D. (2007). Beyond neuron’s theory. Mente y Cerebro, (24), 12-17.

Online paper

Surname, A. A. (Year). Paper’s name. Journal’s name, volume (number), pp-pp. Retrieved from https://www.xxx.xxx

Mota de Cabrera, C. (2006). The role of writing in the curriculum of English teaching and learning as a second language (esl/efl): A historic perspective. Acción Pedagógica. 15(1), 56-63. Retrieved from http://www.saber. ula.ve/accionpe/

Variation according to authors

One author

Surname, A. A. (Date). Paper’s title. Journal’s name, volume (number), pp-pp.

Tarlaci, S. (2010). A Historical View of the Relation Between Quantum Mechanics and the Brain: A Neuroquantologic Perspective. NeuroQuantology, 8(2), 120-136.

Several Authors



Basic format

Surname A. A. (Date). Paper’s title.  Newspaper’s name, pp-pp.

Printed with author

Manrique Grisales, J. (14 November 2010). La bestia que se tragó Armero. El Espectador, pp. 16-17.

Printed without author

Generic drugs. (25 September 2010). El Tiempo, p. 15.


Newspaper name

Surname, A. A. (Date). Paper’s title. Newspaper’s name. Retrieved from http://www.

Bonet, E. (2 February 2011). Thousands of people pray at Tahrir’s square in Cairo. El Tiempo. Retrieved from http://www.eltiempo.com/


Journal’s article


Surname, A. A. (Date). Article’s title. Journal’s name, Volume (number), pp-pp.

Newman, V. (13 November 2010). The information: in the crystal urn? Semana, (15), p. 10.


Surname, A. A. (year, month, day). Article’s title. Journal’s name. Retrieved from

Coronell, D. (2011, January 29). A contra-evident decision. Semana. Retrieved from http://www.semana.com/

Note: There are journals that are published monthly and weekly. In the case of monthly journals, the month and year must be included in the reference. In the case of weekly journals, the day is included.

Other types of text

Corporate author’s reports, Governmental reports

Organization’s name. (Year). Report’s title (Publication number). Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxx.xxx

Ministry of Social Protection. (1994). Informe científico de casos de fiebra amarilla en el departamento del Meta. Retrieved from http://www.minproteccionsocial.gov.co/

Symposiums and conferences

Author, A., & Author, A. (Date). Title of the speech. In A. Surname of the president of the congress (Presidency), Title of the symposium or congress. Symposium or conference held at the congress Name of the organization, Place.

Manrique, D., & Aponte, L. (June 2011). Evolución en el estudio y conceptualización de la consciencia. In H. Castillo (Presidency), El psicoanálisis en Latinoamérica. Symposium held at the XXXIII Ibero-American Congress of Psychology, Medellín, Colombia.

Theses and dissertations

Author, A., & Author, A. (Year). Thesis title (Undergraduate, masters or doctoral dissertation). Institution’s name, Place.


Aponte, L, & Cardona, C. (2009). Environmental education and evaluation of population density for the conservation of reintroduced condors in the Los Nevados National Natural Park and its buffer zone (undergraduate dissertation). University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia.

How to cite e-books

To reference a complete e-book or electronic book, it is necessary to include author, date, title and source (URL or DOI).

To reference a chapter in an e-book, you must include the chapter title numbers and the page, if available.

Full e-book reference:

Author, A. (date). Book’s title. Retrieved from: http:// xxxxxxxxx

e-book chapter reference:

Author, A. (date). Chapter’s title, In E. Editor (Ed.), Book’s title (pp xx – xx). Retrieved from http:// xxxxxxxxxxx

Author, A. (date). Chapter’s title, In E. Editor (Ed.), Book’s title (pp xx – xx). Retrieved from DOI: xxxxxxxxxxx

Citation in the text is the same as always: author and date.


2.4   Radiocarbon dating

For the specific case of radiocarbon dating, the following specifications must be respected (note the writing, punctuation and space):

  • Use abbreviations BP (before present) or BC and AC (before or after Christ). Do not use for example a.C., A.C., B.P. or others
  • If the manuscript includes more than two radiocarbon dates, tables should be used for the presentation of the dates.
  • Dates not calibrated in the text. In the following order should be included: 1) absolute date conventional BP, 2) sigma, 3) laboratory number, 4) dated material, 5) add the value of δ13C, if available. Numbers three to five are in parentheses and separated by a comma.

Example: 2620+40 BP (Beta-248619, wood, δ13C =-21.9%).

  • Calibrated dates in the text. The type of curve and the programme on which the dates were calibrated must be specified. For example: the calibrated dates were calculated using the SHCAL4 curve in the Calib 6.0 program (McCormac et al., 2004; Stuiver et al., 1993).
  • They should be expressed using the BC/AC cal conventions (can also be presented in BP cal), in addition to the sigma number used (1 or 2 σ). All calendar age ranges should be included. The format of uncalibrated dates (numbers three to five), which are in parentheses and separated by commas, is then maintained.

Example: 2620±40 BP, or AC 830–770 cal (2σ) (Beta-248619, wood, δ13C =-21.9%).

Example: 780±40 BP, or AC 1220 cal (1263) 1281 (1σ) (AA87000, wood, δ13C =-22.9%).

  • Table of calibrated data.  It should include at least the following data: 1) Conventional PA date (14C years BP), 2) age range (Cal 1 or 2 σ BC/AC/BP), 3) the value from δ13C, 4) the type of material dated, and 5) the laboratory number.


Code sample

14C years BP

Cal 2 σ AC



      Lab N°

T26 A7 N4


830 a 770



Beta 248619

T26 A7 N2


390 a 190



Beta 248618

T26 A7 N1


400 a 210



Beta 248617

  • Thermoluminescence Dates.

Example: 1250+100 DC (UCTL 1130)