High Cost Diseases, cost / effectiveness crisis and emerging biocitizens in Chile





Uncommon Diseases, emergent diseases, bio-citizenship, Ricarte Soto Law, High Cost Diseases


In Chile, during the recent years, we can gradually observe the deployment of social demands that have the format of social movements in various citizenship contexts. One of the highlighted areas is the one of health in different keys. In this article we consider mainly the one that refers to the current emergence of a social conscience connected with the problems of wellness and life. The main example we use, and that encompasses the subject of this article, is the Ricarte Soto Law, which has a double interpretative axis. On the one hand, manifesting socially a discontent for the health conditions, and in the other hand, pointing to a controverted field and not stabilized in institutional terms: the so called uncommon and emergent diseases. Here, we evaluate the theoretical relevance of the concept of bio-citizenship and expose the emergency of two forms of individualism that make viable the use of this category.


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How to Cite

G. Seguel, A., & Zabala, X. (2019). High Cost Diseases, cost / effectiveness crisis and emerging biocitizens in Chile. Estudios Atacameños, (62), 325-337. https://doi.org/10.22199/issn.0718-1043-2019-0015



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