Alternative legalities and land occupations in a city of Patagonia Argentina


  • Santiago Bachiller CONICET, Universidad Nacional General Sarmiento, Universidad Nacional Patagonia Austral


land occupations, ilegality, State, alternative legalities, legitimacy criteria


As a result of an ethnographic work on land occupations in Comodoro Rivadavia (Chubut,
Argentina), the article discusses interpretations that reduce a complex social phenomenon to
a view of land occupations as a simple “illegal act”. In opposition to the approaches of land
occupation as a “usurpation,” those who occupied lands hold criteria that legitimize their actions
which, in turn, constitute a tense relationship with the formal legal order. The purpose of the text
is to analyze these discursive practices aimed at countering the dominant readings that disqualify
them from illegality.
Seeking to deal with the hegemonic discourses that circumscribe land occupations to a legal.
criterion, the first section is organized around the weight that informality had in the historical
construction of Latin American cities. Taking Commodore Rivadavia as a witness, in the
second section the State is dimensioned as a promoter of urban informality. The third section
conveys the empirical analysis of the criteria of legitimacy as popular responses to the dominant
views of occupations as “illegal acts”. Finally, the conclusions propose a revision of the main
argumentative lines developed throughout the work.

Author Biography

Santiago Bachiller, CONICET, Universidad Nacional General Sarmiento, Universidad Nacional Patagonia Austral

Doctor en Antropología Social (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). Profesor Titular de la asignatura Antropología Sociocultural (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral). Investigador Adjunto del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).



How to Cite

Bachiller, S. (2019). Alternative legalities and land occupations in a city of Patagonia Argentina. Estudios Atacameños, (60), 275-296. Retrieved from


