Vol. 29 (2022)

An An approach to the principle of quid pro quo as the basis and limit of the immunities of jurisdiction of the international organizations

Gloria Ramos-Fuentes
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.
Patricio Masbernat
Universidad Santo Tomás.

Published 2022-08-26


  • international organizations,
  • international privileges,
  • principles of international law,
  • conflict resolution

How to Cite

Ramos-Fuentes, G., & Masbernat, P. (2022). An An approach to the principle of quid pro quo as the basis and limit of the immunities of jurisdiction of the international organizations. Revista De Derecho (Coquimbo. En línea), 29, e3851. https://doi.org/10.22199/issn.0718-9753-3851


The authors present a review of the traditional theories that try to answer the phenomenon of the immunity of jurisdiction of international organizations from the need to adequately resolve the case of the conflicts of these organizations with private third parties, a problem that has been highlighted by important specialists and by some judgments of national and international courts, those that have tried to solve it by means of a series of technical elements that orient to a new perspective on the foundations of these immunities. These foundations, however, do not yet have total uniformity. The main objective of this article is to outline an articulation of these technical elements by developing the quid pro quo principle, as a criterion that explains the basis and limits of jurisdictional immunities granted by States to international organizations, which is shown relevant in cases such as the conflicts of said organizations with private third parties. The authors propose, in this way, a certain update of the theories related to immunity regimes, not a complete review of them.


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