Published 2008-06-30
- Religious freedom,
- Freedom of conscience,
- Freedom of thought,
- Secularism,
- Atheism
- Non-Confessionalism of the State ...More
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The fact that a State might declare itself as non-confessional and ascribes to the right of religious freedom does not mean that it has to adopt an attitude of indifference or, even worse, of rejection to the religious experience of its citizens. Secularism, in its nineteenth century version, is then strange to the notion of non-confessional State or Secular State. The topic is raised making a distinction between the rights of freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, and religious freedom, reinforcing the autonomy of each one and defining the locus iuris ofatheism, to later analyze the principies that shatl orient the State's performance, facing the religious experience as a social factor, this is, the principies of religious freedom, ofsecularism or non-confessionalism, of equal rights and cooperation.
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